First, the shoot office would like to quickly thank all the shooters that pre-squadded while at Sunnyvale. We had a huge batch that converted and anticipate that this will save time for everyone.
Those pre-squadded shooters can simply grab their card, review their handicap and assuming they have no questions, skip the handicapping and squadding lines and go straight to cashier where Glenn and Kirk will be happy to take your funds.
Between scorers and knowledgeable shooters, we saw that there were a batch of scoring corrections where "dead" was written in the scoring box. We are excited that we did not have to take away hard fought birds from shooters due to technical scoring errors. Keep up the good work.
We had one unfortunate issue crop up at the Sunnyvale shoot. We accidentally released an incorrect payout to an unidentified shooter on behalf of another shooter. SBTL has fixed the problem with that shooter, and we have changed our policy on who is allowed to pickup winnings for whom at the shoots. From Sunnyvale forward only the shooter, his/her spouse or parent may receive winnings from the bank. We apologize for the inconvenience that this might cause, but we need to make sure that everyone is handled equitably and that all winnings are disbursed properly.
To all those shooters that were gracious enough to let us know that they would not be shooting with us in May, we extend a hearty THANK YOU!! !! It really helps us with pre-planning each shoot when we know who will be with us and who will not. Please remember, it is courteous to your fellow shooters to let us know when you are not shooting. It makes it easier for management to determine if we need to fill squads ahead of time as we cannot always easily do this at the last minute.
If you are pre-squadded and you plan to shoot, we don’t ask you to do a thing. Jus t show up and shoot!
If you are pre-squadded and do not plan to shoot, please take advantage of one of the ways to contact us:
- 1. Wait until you receive our automated Pre-squad Reminder Notice about a week before the shoot and "push the button",
- 2. Send us a note through the website at
- 3. Call us on our contact number.
We still have several people that have not declared teams. When next you register, please check the upper right corner of your card to confirm that your scores are being registered with some team. It is possible that your score could be the one that makes a difference this year in the overall team standings!!
One more thing, remember that the May shoot is out of our normal second Saturday Cycle. See you on the FIRST SATURDAY IN MAY. CELEBRATE CINCO DE MAYO with the SBTL at Newman!!!
Warren FAY